
Most of what I've written has been published as e-books and is available at Amazon. Match Play is a golf/suspense novel. Dust of Autumn is a bloody one set in upstate New York. Prairie View is set in South Dakota, with a final scene atop Rattlesnake Butte. Life in the Arbor is a children's book about Rollie Rabbit and his friends (on about a fourth grade level). The Black Widow involves an elaborate extortion scheme. Happy Valley is set in a retirement community. Doggy-Dog World is my memoir. And ES3 is a description of my method for examining English sentence structure.
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Thursday, December 8

007 & Waste Management

I just finished reading the new Jeffery Deaver novel, 007 Carte Blanche, a James Bond continuation of the Ian Fleming series. Sort of dumb, I think, not up to Deaver’s usual standard. But his attention to detail is impeccable as always. In this one, much is made of waste management in a world that sorely needs to pay attention to waste management. One of the bad guys, who owns countless waste disposal sites in the world, is telling Bond about the problem: “There are four ways to rid ourselves of discard. Dump it somewhere out of the way—in tips or landfill now mostly but the ocean’s still popular. Did you know that the Pacific has four times as much plastic in it as zooplankton? The biggest rubbish tip in the world is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, circulating between Japan and North America. It’s at least twice the size of Texas and could be as big as the entire United States. Nobody actually knows. But one thing is certain: It’s getting bigger.

“The second way is to burn discard, which is very expensive and can produce dangerous ash. Third, you can recycle it . . . Finally, there’s minimizing, which means making sure that fewer disposable materials are created and sold. . . . It’s the packaging that causes most of the volume. Discard was easily handled until we shifted to a consumer manufacturing society and started to mass-produce goods. How to get the products into the hands of the people? Encase it in polystyrene foam, put that in a cardboard box and then, for God’s sake, put that in a plastic carrier bag to take home with you. Ah, and if it’s a present, let’s wrap it up in colored paper and ribbon? Christmas is an absolute hurricane of discard.”

He goes on to say, “E-waste accounts for more than ten percent of the deadly substances on earth. Heavy metals, lithium from batteries. Take computers and mobiles. They have a life expectancy of two or three years at most, so people just throw them out. . . . But pound for pound computers and phones are the most deadly waste on earth. In China, they just bury or burn them. They’re killing their population by doing that.”

Scary, isn’t it? Most of us do the recycling bit, which makes us feel a little better about ourselves, but that doesn’t even begin to solve the problem. Six billion of us now on earth with that number climbing alarmingly every day, most of that six billion buying more and more plastic and cans and bottles and computers and mobile phone devices and then throwing them away, mountains of refuse growing and growing in our landfills and rivers and lakes and oceans. Where will it end? I guess it will end when there’s nowhere we can live that isn’t contaminated with toxic waste, and then we’ll all die. Now that’s a depressing thought.

1 comment:

Jeri Travis said...

Dad, Do you remember our conversation about the huge amount of garbage coming our way from japans tidal wave? I didn't want to tell you it would just get caught in the current and end up in the "dead zone" out in the middle. I would like to imagine someday it will congeal into a large mass and become a huge floating island, full of creatures that call it home:)
Trash is super scary. An upcoming idea is to send it into space. Almost sounds like a bad sci fi plot. This time it congeals and comes back and eats us! This is almost as scary as say the upcoming election. Got to go to bed, too many scary thoughts will give me nightmares. Nighty night Daddy- Love you

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